You’ve got a friend


Dear Friend

I saw the above from Stephen Fry a few days ago and loved it. It made me think how much I have to thank you for.

  1. Thank you for standing by me when I did things that later I came bitterly to regret. You never said  “I told you so” but you were there to help me pick up the pieces.
  2. Thank you for recognising that we are different, and for not sitting in judgement of me or the paths I choose to take.
  3. Thank you for keeping in touch during times when I “go quiet” and for not seeing my lack of effort as a personal slight or a sign that I am a rubbish friend. Even though I am.
  4. Thank you for listening to me, for only giving advice when I ask for it, and for not minding when I inevitably fail to take it.
  5. Thank you for being worried about me when I have done things to hurt myself, and for reminding me, despite how I sometimes feel, that I am worth caring about.
  6. Thank you for being there to celebrate my successes and for knowing the personal cost of these achievements.
  7. Thank you for the times when I couldn’t speak and you held my hand and told me you would always be there.
  8. Thank you for once sending me a postcard I will always keep which says “Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light.”
  9. Thank you for understanding my need to be liked and needed, even though you are much more sanguine and self-contained. And thank you for letting me help you sometimes; I am so glad that I can.
  10. Thank you for never asking me why I get depression. Sometimes you know better than I do about why. And sometimes it just happens.

My life is a bit of a roller coaster. It has taken me nearly 60 years to learn that, no matter how much I try, I can’t completely change that, although I am at last learning to recognise my triggers and be kinder to myself and thus to others. You help to make the ups less scary and the downs a tiny bit less grim.

With my love and thanks to you for choosing to become and to stay my funny, kind, wise and very dear friend.

From me xxx


  1. Such a touching tribute to true friendship and how great its value is! Thank you, Lisa, for sharing.


  2. I found this really moving Lisa. We have been friends since we were twelve and I have always valued and loved you very much. You are a truly great friend yourself and I am so proud of what you have achieved in your life – the way you are helping others now is truly inspirational. I WILL always be there for you and I know you will be for me. Thank you for the past 48 years.


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